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Browse Free With Hht 5.0 and the New Remodded Iwp 6.0

This post has been updated from the former one because of complaints received from users about the inefficiency and low speed of the servers and settings
Download the new HHT from here . . . . it still uses the same user name and pass word 
This file works for windows vista and 7 better, but does not mean it wont work on XP
Are you tired of the overcharging cost of bundle plans from your service providers well this ended today .because here is a very innovative and indispensable tool used to tunnel you browsing optimized for security and speed. . .download the HHT 5.0 from here and then use the following configurations for it. . .

Web host
Proxy url
Proxy host
Proxy port
This settings are applied to Etisalat Nigeria. . .configuring it for foreign networks will need a little expertise you can call me +2348162049799 for more help . i am telling you, you aint going to be paying so much to browse freely and securely any longer because with this software you are going to rock full speed
i will send you a username and password which you can try and if ever you will need an account just call me, with the mobile number +2348166969592 or email at [email protected]
For the free username and password call the number +2348162049799 with you name, email, network you will want to use it with and want to be configured and i will send you details CIAO
For a list of servers try this, with its blazing speed 
Etisalat Settings-2 :   (May Not  be Working  )
web host –
web port -8080
proxy url: or udp:// or
proxy host:
PORT  :  80#


 Web Host :   Web Port: 80#443
 User Name : You HHT user ID  Password:Your HHT password
 Proxy URL :  ( Check server list)  
 Proxy Host :  Port : 8080#8080
 Username : web  Password : web
 Must Select WAP-1
        Uncheck SSL  


Proxifier Must.
Please post a comment if this was helpful to you 

I willl post a new link for the VPN tunnel, use this for now

windows xp doesnt support IPV4 so it cant run the vpn tunnel only 7 and vista

1> Go To HTTPS Tunnel TAB  and run it with as usual etisalat TG  settings.  

      Start  It.

2> Now Go   To VPN Tunnel TAB


Server :
Rport :  500
LPort :  0
Enter HHT user id password.

UN Check Local DNS
MTU –  1400

Proto:  TCP

CHECK USE PROXY :   Enter    YourModemIP : 6054     or   YourModemIP : 6055  or  YourModemIP : 6056  or  YourModemIP : 6052
;                                  ( Whichever is better for you  – But 6055 is Best  )

but first change you mtu to 1400

copy and paste on windows command prompt 
type run on you start menu and type in cmd

once it opens paste the command below 
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface 1 mtu=1400 store=persistent 

and then exit using the vpn settings above you can use your HHT

always comment if this posts help, we love comments

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