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AI Kenya — MawAidha
Session with Andrew

I had the honor of being a part of the first mawAIdha session event, hosted by Ai Kenya. As an entrepreneur, AI consultant, and the creator of ChatKJV, I was thrilled to share my journey and experiences with the audience.

ChatKJV ( ) is an AI-powered chatbot that I designed to provide users with scriptures from the King James Bible, based on their emotions. By using natural language processing, the chatbot interprets users’ feelings and responds with appropriate scripture. It’s designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to those who may not be familiar with the Bible.





Highlighting my un-conventional path to entrepreneurship

During the event, I spoke about my entrepreneurial journey in Africa and the inspiration behind ChatKJV. I shared valuable lessons and insights that I’ve gained throughout my software development and consultancy career.

mawAIdha sessions is an event series by Ai Kenya, where industry and ecosystem thought leaders share their knowledge on various topics related to artificial intelligence. The format is similar to TED Talks, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. I was grateful for the opportunity to share my story and connect with others in the AI community.

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