String Reversal in Javascript

In this javascript algorithm, I would be sharing with us different methods to reverse a string in javascript.
This is a common exercise in coding interviews, entry level algorithm challenges, though implementation in various languages may be different we would be looking at how to reverse a string in javascript, hope this helps you.
Given a string, return a new string with the reversed order of characters
- reverse(‘apple’) === ‘leppa’
- reverse(‘hello’) === ‘olleh’
- reverse(‘Greetings!’) === ‘!sgniteerG’
Using Javascripts Inbuilt Array Prototypes
function reverse(str) {
return str
In the example above, we use the array methods, split
, reverse
and join
if we executed the function, our output would be something like
reverse("hello") //here we reverse the string hello
function reverse(str) {
return str
.split("") // output here is an array ['h','e','l','l','o']
.reverse("") // the output here is ['0','l','l','e','h']
.join("" // The array join method would join the array into a string "olleh"
Using Reduce Callback
function reverse(str) {
return str.split("").reduce((acc, curValue) => curValue + acc), ''
The reduce function takes an accumulator and a value, this function will loop through every element in an array an generate an output based on the expression we pass into it, here we reversely concatenate the elements of the array, a much clearer way to look at it is
function reverse(str) {
let stringToArray = str.split("") // This expression creates a new array from our string
return stringToArray
.reduce( (acc, curValue) => curValue + acc), ''
Using the For Of Syntax
function reverse(str) {
// we initially define reversed as an empty string in within the function
let reversed = ""
// The for of loop iterates over elements
for (var character of str) {
// var reversed = []
// store the value into reversed recursively
reversed = character + reversed
// return the value of reveresed in our function
return reversed
The for Of loop can iterate through Arrays, Strings and Javascript constructs that return true
to the propertyIsEnumerable
Learn More about Algorithms from : The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures
Published: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000