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My Digital Garden

A collection of essays, notes, and half-baked explorations I’m always tending to.


I launched a new startup and shut it down in two weeks

I’m no longer interested in pursuing the creation of “cool” products just for the sake of novelty. Instead, my focus has shifted towards tackling the more mundane, yet profoundly impactful, technological problems that have the power to truly make the world a better place

Intract or Galxe — don’t ask me

To initiate our exploration into how the crypto community has masterfully adapted Go-To-Market (GTM) and User-Generated Content (UGC) strategies, let’s define these essential concepts and their importance in the rapidly evolving crypto ecosystem.

Entrepreneurship 101 — “Dont loose your shit”

As a founder of a startup in Africa, Tolu has to deal with funding constraints, regulatory hurdles that feel like mood swings while also struggling to hire and retain top talent. However, amidst the chaos, Tolu has learnt to not …

Musings on building a Second Brain.

When I’m brainstorming with my team, our ideas tend to spring into existence on a Whimsical board. At the birth of a new concept, it’s like watching a nebula form; ideas and insights swirling together

AI is most likely not going to replace you

Can AI create new jobs as fast as it can replace existing jobs? McKinsey reports that up to 800 million jobs could be displaced and 950 million new jobs could be created by the same time

Musings on “Play Lockers”

Everyone wants to win, everyone wants to get to the top. The reality though is that very few people know how to stay at the top when they get there. Thus the need for Play Lockers

Locally “Global” Startups:

So, for startups aiming to be locally global — locally relevant and valuable to your home community while creating significant impact on a global scale. The question remains …

The Divine Leadership Framework

What if the Universe was a giant corporation, and the Holy Trinity; God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit were the corporate Executives and the 24 Elders the Board of directors. Now, don’t get me wrong,

Objective Driven Team Structure

Team members are often chosen for the wrong reasons: for example, they are often chosen because they have an interest in the project, because their wage is affordable, or most often simply because they are available.

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