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My Digital Garden

A collection of essays, notes, and half-baked explorations I’m always tending to.


Your Team is a Band, and Your Culture is the Vibe

Imagine a reggae percussionist trying to find their rhythm in a blues band. They might be an exceptional musician, but if their style doesn’t align with the bandโ€™s vibe, the music won’t flow as it should. Similarly, in a workplace, an individual might be exceptionally talented, but …

Time to Critical Request (The TTCR Indicator for Team Progress)

Have you ever wondered if you were making progress on a project, and whether your product team was on track. Drawing on my experience from wearing different hatsโ€”from engineering to product managementโ€” Iโ€™ve identified several instances where TTCR could manifest itself

Musings on “Play Lockers”

Everyone wants to win, everyone wants to get to the top. The reality though is that very few people know how to stay at the top when they get there. Thus the need for Play Lockers

The Divine Leadership Framework

What if the Universe was a giant corporation, and the Holy Trinity; God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit were the corporate Executives and the 24 Elders the Board of directors. Now, don’t get me wrong,

Team Leadership Roles

From Dr. Meredith Belbins research on Team Leadership roles based on Action-Oriented, Thought Oriented and…

Objective Driven Team Structure

Team members are often chosen for the wrong reasons: for example, they are often chosen because they have an interest in the project, because their wage is affordable, or most often simply because they are available.

Why do teams fail ?

Most team problems arise from a lack in MOI, which stands for Motivation, Organization and Information, evidence from retrogressive teams prove that the lack of initial motivation and drive, or a clear sense of hierachy

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