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My Digital Garden

A collection of essays, notes, and half-baked explorations I’m always tending to.


I launched a new startup and shut it down in two weeks

I’m no longer interested in pursuing the creation of “cool” products just for the sake of novelty. Instead, my focus has shifted towards tackling the more mundane, yet profoundly impactful, technological problems that have the power to truly make the world a better place

Musings on “Play Lockers”

Everyone wants to win, everyone wants to get to the top. The reality though is that very few people know how to stay at the top when they get there. Thus the need for Play Lockers

The Divine Leadership Framework

What if the Universe was a giant corporation, and the Holy Trinity; God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit were the corporate Executives and the 24 Elders the Board of directors. Now, don’t get me wrong,

7 Valuable guides for Living

I was recently going through my document archive and found some age long advise I had given myself, which I consider very valuable advise to anyone, so here I am sharing it with you

Boiled Plaintain

Not so early this morning I had breakfast, not the usual kind but before we get to that let’s talk about the period before this.

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