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My Digital Garden

A collection of essays, notes, and half-baked explorations I’m always tending to.


Time to Critical Request or Resolution

Have you ever wondered if you were making progress on a project, and whether your product team was on track. Drawing on my experience from wearing different hatsβ€”from engineering to product managementβ€” I’ve identified several instances where TTCR could manifest itself

Welcome to the Age of Talent, Not skill

There is a term that I and the team at tecmie have consistently been referencing which is H.I.T.L. Short for Human In the Loop. H.I.T.L is critical in today’s world considering how AI has been flourishing in the past months.

The Generative AI Layers, Who will win?

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, as the momentum of generative AI continues to accelerate, it becomes increasingly crucial to discern the different strata of players in this transformative arena.

Should you still Mavis Beacon

Do we still need Mavis Beacon and similar tools that helped us learn how to interact better with computers? Is there a necessity to grasp the foundational basics of machine interfaces?

Nature, the Mother of Tech

Birds could fly before the Wright brothers created the plane, Neural networks existed within the deep roots of trees that allow them to share nutrients and communicate

Deadlines or Lifeline ?

As Project Managers or startup founders you many have come to a situation where you gave a developer a job to do for you with an ETA only to be dissapointed with

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